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Travel stipends

Travel stipends for early career-researchers
(sponsored by the German Society on Plant Nutrition, https://www.plant-nutrition.de)

We are pleased to announce that we can offer five travel stipends for early career researchers (up to 500 Euro). To apply for a travel stipend, please submit until 30.04.2024 the following four documents in a single pdf file to isinip2024@hhu.de:

  • Your motivation in brief to participate in ISINIP 2024 and for obtaining a travel fellowship (1 page maximum)
  • Your CV (1 page maximum)
  • Your Abstract
  • Your proof of your status as early career researcher (e.g. employment certificate, graduate school registration copy, etc.; young investigators please provide a proof that you have own independent funding)

The selection criteria will be as follows:

  • Priority will be given to high-quality applications based on the motivation, CV and abstract.
  • Priority will be given to applications from countries of the Global South.
  • Please apologize that applicants from well-funded groups may not be considered despite of their excellent application.

The status “Early career researcher” is defined as follows:

  • Master student
  • Graduate PhD researcher
  • Postdoctoral researcher (less than 4 years after the PhD defense date; per child count 2 years more for mothers, 1 year more for fathers)
  • Young investigator with own independent funding obtained through a competitive procedure (less than 8 years after the PhD defense date; per child count 2 years more for mothers, 1 year more for fathers)

Once you are selected for a travel fellowship, the following procedure applies to receive the fellowship fund:

  • Fellowship holders must register and pay the registration fee for ISINIP.
  • 500 Euro fellowship will be reimbursed after the conference has been attended.
  • Fellowship recipients from Germany and its neighboring countries MUST provide proof of a validated train ticket on their name for sustainable travel.
  • All fellowship recipients must provide a proof of a membership of the German Society for Plant Nutrition for 2024
    - at the cost of 15 Euro for early career researchers without PhD
    - at the cost of 50 Euro for early career researchers with PhD
    - for fellowship recipients from a country of the Global South, this membership will be sponsored by the Institute of Botany, HHU)
  • All fellowship recipients will present their work either as talk or as poster with elevator pitch.